

HDTVNEWS  is open to sponsorship, partnerships, and travel writing placements.

If you’re an online travel agency, airline, in-flight magazine, destination magazine, tourism board, or any of the like, then I would love to speak with you. Please send me an email about who you are and what you’re looking for and I will be happy to talk with you more about how we can work together.

Why work with us?

Between HDTVNEWS Online Magazine, we have a very high amount of international views per month,   all over the world! With so many followers who receive a direct message every time we publish, our reach is vast. We utilize all forms of social media including Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube… and more… as it is all Professional journalism, and experts and journalist(s) reports…

Our website targets an audience which is curious to discover something new, unique, and adventurous.

As part of it, Adventure Travel now accounts for 16% of the total travel market.

HDTVNEWS shows the mainstream traveller that anyone can partake in a great adventure.

Travelers need information and the readers of HDTVNEWS  benefit from our first hand experiences. We offer an interactive community that proves the world is full of limitless possibilities.

For more information and options, please email us at:



Over the course of the last year, ‘HDTVNEWS’ has teamed up with some of the biggest names in the travel, tourism, food, and adventure, and Lifestyle and Luxury Industry…

We have worked with hotels, resorts, tour companies, adventure companies, theme parks, restaurants, and tourism boards to help promote the best places to eat, play, and stay around the world.


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